哈威X型连接组件适合于压力表和其它液压装置组合,带一个G1/4A外螺纹接口,zui大压力Pmax=700bar。哈威X84型连接组件可以远程以不同的形式安装在各种阀块上(垂直安装在HK或HC泵站上,水平安装在MP泵站上或其它安装位置)。哈威X84型连接组件 X84U-AC40/100-9/400 :陈 :一八〇〇二七七〇一三〇 :〇七六九-八九八七〇九二〇〇七六九-二二三〇一〇九八 :一九八五一〇五九六一 HAWE哈威连接组件,哈威东莞一级经销商,哈威X型连接组件的组成示例和参数说明: Hydraulic systems use measuring instruments (pressure gauges) for pressure monitoring, command devices for pressure switching (pressure switches) and hydraulic accumulators. Using the various fittings, these devices can be connected to the pressure pipes of HAWE hydraulic power packs as well as valves in a wide range of installation situations. Reducing connectors help to combine devices. Other accessories, such as screen and wire mesh filters protect hydraulic devices from larger, stray impurities that occasionally occur. These are available in two versions: as screen filters and wire mesh filters (wire mesh filters preferentially used in circuits without a significant current flow).哈威连接组件,哈威液压好价格供应,哈威东莞一级供应哈威 |